

WKR Libya Open Martial Arts Championship

Thursday 01-02-2024 11:26

The New Libya Academy for Martial Arts and Self-Defense Sports is organizing professional fights in kickboxing and taekwondo for all …

Press conference. Mohamad Jaafar VS Khairallah

Thursday 26-10-2023 21:28

We are days away from the WKR world title

Friday 13-10-2023 13:55

Announcing the International Self-Defense Games in Hungary 2024

Friday 06-10-2023 08:18

Asian Martial Arts Challenge Nights

Wednesday 20-09-2023 18:22

The grand prize match is $20,000, Mohamed Emad, Misr VS, Siraj Jarroud Libya

Saturday 02-09-2023 12:18

to confront (The butcher 🇶🇦) Nayef VS ( Bilduzer 🇪🇬 ) Youssef

Thursday 31-08-2023 19:42

Night of Champions Jeet Kendo Challenge Matches WKR Jeet Kendo Championship, Libya, August 28th

Saturday 26-08-2023 20:27

The grand prize match is 20 thousand US dollars, the Egyptian fighter Mohamed Emad SV, the rising Libyan fighter Siraj Jaroud

Saturday 26-08-2023 19:57