The difference between an amateur player and a professional player
Friday 17-03-2023 17:39
WKR The difference between a professional player and an amateur player
An athlete who has never competed for money. An athlete who does not get paid for their performance. An athlete at the beginning of his career learning levels.
Professional in sports
An athlete gets paid for his performance. They paid for their superiority in experience, knowledge, and ability in their particular sport. An athlete who plays for pay.
Never receive a fight bag.
Amateurs are not allowed to get paid to fight fighters or win money in an amateur MMA bout. If you get “EVER” for a PURSE fighter or win any prize money in any contact sport (ex: Kickboxing, MMA, Boxing, MuayThai) you are now considered a professional fighter forever. You are not allowed to jump back and forth from amateur to professional