

Thursday 23-03-2023 21:09

Section One: The Ring
1) The ring must be a boxing ring of at least 17 square feet inside the ropes. The ring floor must extend beyond the ropes by at least 18 inches.

The floor of the ring must be padded. One layer (1″) of Ethafoam is recommended. The padding should extend beyond the ring ropes and over the edge of the platform. The ring must have a fabric cover. No vinyl or other plastic rubber covering is allowed.

2) Ring Height – The ring platform shall not be more than four feet (4′) above the floor of the building and shall be provided with steps suitable for combatant use. The ring side tables shall not be higher than the level of the ring platform in the raised rings; Ringside tables must not be allowed next to floor level in rings that are not elevated. The ring supports shall be metal no more than four inches (4″) in diameter and extend from the floor of the building to a height of 58 inches (1.6 m) (4’10”) above the ring floor, and shall be properly lined.

3) The number of loop ropes shall not be less than four (4) and their diameter shall not be less than one (1) inch. The bottom rope should be 18 inches above the ring floor, the middle rope 35 inches above the floor, and the top rope 52 inches above the floor. The lowest rope shall have around it padding of not less than half an inch (1/2″) thickness and of the approved type and construction. All rope ties shall be approximately 6 feet vertical, and made of soft material.

4) The promoter of the event must provide all necessary ring equipment including seats for use by the fighters and the seconds, except those items that will be provided by the fighters and those items that will be provided by the seconds. There should be a bell in the ring, no higher than the floor level of the ring. The sound of the bell must be clear so that the referee and the fighters can easily hear it when they hear it.

5) Satisfaction – All promoters are responsible for ensuring that accepted legal standards are met. In terms of dressing rooms, showers, water bottle towels and/or not only other equipment. Doctors and representatives of the WKR must conduct a special examination on each occasion for violation of these rules. The ring must be adequately swept, dried or otherwise cleaned prior to the event and prior to each match.

Section Two: The eligibility of the combatant
1) Prerequisites for professional status

All fighters seeking professional status with the WKR must obtain written approval. Approval requirements include an accurate list of all of a fighter’s previous bouts that includes the date and venue of the event, name of the promotion (promoter), style including number of rounds scheduled, weight split, name of opponent, and score.

In order to apply for a professional qualification, a fighter must complete a minimum of ten (10) amateur bouts in three (3) or four (4) rounds in rounds of two (2) minutes long with a one (1) minute break. * Subject to verification and approval.

2) Syndicate membership

A WKR license is mandatory for all fighters, promoters, matchmakers, timekeepers, and others directly involved in the competition. Please contact WKR for more information.

3) The arrested fighters

A suspended fighter is not allowed to participate in any WKR event for the duration of the suspension. The reason for suspension includes (not only) a medical condition, breach of the Code of Conduct, and breach of contract. Each case is subject to special verification.

4) Show spells

The WKR does not consider all exhibition matches and any sanctioned bouts. In order to include exhibition bouts in the WKR-sanctioned event program, the promoter must receive, in advance, approval from a WKR representative.

A WKR representative may deny a request due to circumstances that could be deemed unsafe for the participants, for example, not having a match due to a weight spread and/or just not trying; or contrary to general standards.

Section III. Pre-fight regulations
Examination of fighters
Any fighter applying for eligibility to compete in a WKR event must be examined by a registered physician, to prove physical and mental fitness to compete. This check must be done no later than 36 hours before the event. Additionally, fighters must be checked at weigh-in, and may be checked again on the day of the event.

Serological clearance is required. Serology clearance must be obtained every 6 months. The medical conditions or diseases defined by the regulations are:

Hepatitis b
Hepatitis c
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be needed.

Doping control (drug testing) may be required.

* An immediate examination of each combatant by a doctor is mandatory.

2. Weight distribution

Current ratings should be consulted for current weight classes and weight teams.

3. weigh in

The weigh-in must be done the day before the event, at least 24 hours before the start time of the event. The scales used are subject to approval by the WKR representative and/or the local sports regulatory body (committee).

4. Weight Making – Non-title bouts

In non-title professional matches, if a fighter fails to achieve the weight specified in their contract, they will forfeit, subject to the following:

1-2 lbs = 15% penalty
3-4 lbs over = 30 degrees/pen
5-7 lbs = 40% penalty
8 pounds or more = 50% penalty
* 1 lb is approximately 0.453 kg

The forfeited prize money will be distributed 50% to the opponent and 50% to the promoter. If both fighters are overweight, both will be subject to penalties in accordance with the above, with the fighter’s share of the forfeited prize money to be distributed in accordance with the WKR.

For each match, all professional fighters must sign a WKR stewardship contract with the event’s promoter.

In amateur bouts, where a fighter fails to make the weight, the WKR representative may allow the bout if the weight spread is allowed. However, if the super bantamweight fighter wins, the bout is not added to his or his opponent’s record. If the super bantamweight fighter loses, the loss will be recorded on his record and the win will be added to his opponent’s record.

If both fighters are significantly overweight or underweight but the weight distribution is within the allowable range, the WKR representative may allow the bout to continue and the score will be recorded in the records of both fighters. Amateur fighters, who repeatedly weigh in as overweight or underweight, are subject to disciplinary action.

5. Weight making – title bouts

In title bouts, both professional and amateur (including professional amateurs), if a fighter cannot weigh in within the official weigh-in time within 24 hours, they will be allowed to weigh in for a second time within the two (2) hour period. If a fighter fails to weigh in on the second attempt within two (2) hours of the official weigh-in time, he may be allowed to weigh in on the day of the event, no later than eight (8) hours prior to the start time of the event.

If a fighter is unable to make it in the final weigh-in attempt on the day of the event and that fighter is the current champion, the title will be declared vacant.

a) If the challenger wins the match – he becomes the champion. Should the previous champion win the match, the title remains vacant.

b) If a fighter, who cannot weigh in, is the challenger, and wins the bout, the title remains vacant.

In either case, the match may or may not proceed – subject to approval by a WKR representative. A fighter, who cannot weigh in, will also be subject to briefcase penalties. A stream will be created to get the address.

6. Maximum weight reduction allowance

WKR prohibits excessive weight reduction. Fighters take their own responsibility in cutting weight. If a doctor, WKR representative, chief official, and/or local sports regulatory body (committee) determine that a fighter is unfit to compete due to being underweight, that fighter must be suspended from the bout.

7. The minimum age for fighters

The minimum age for professional fighters competing in title bouts is eighteen years plus (18+).

Amateur and junior matches (under eighteen (-18) years old) are to be decided on a match-by-match basis.

Alternations may take place in each particular case – subject to approval by the WKR representative and/or the local sports organizing body (Commission).

8. Main event fighters advance appearances

In World, Continental, Continental and International title bouts, both fighters must be present at the venue (city) where the event takes place no later than three (3) days prior to the event.

All parties involved in title bouts, including the event promoter, will enter into an agreement via WKR’s contract. It has the right to amend the terms of the contract. There are no rematch clauses, agreements between the promoter and fighter, including officials, or clauses that conflict with applicable guidelines, with fighter availability to other promoters and/or not only, permitted in the contract.

Breach of contract by either party may result in fines or suspension from WKR, in addition to any legal damages.

9. Appearance and confiscation bonds

All fighters, both amateur and professional, may be required to post appearance links with the promoter for whom they will be appearing. Should a fighter fail to appear, this bond is forfeited and 50% is split to the promoter and 50% to the fighter’s opponent for training expenses. The amount of money forfeited must be specified in the fighter’s contract.

In professional bouts, the bonds must not exceed 50% of the portfolio. Fighter bonds may only be required with the express permission of WKR.

10. Base meeting before the fight

All fighters, head coaches, representative seconds and/not just officials are required to attend the pre-fight rule meeting organized by the promoter, head official, and WKR representative. Such meeting normally follows the Weighing Ceremony, or may take place on the day of the Event, and not later than eight (8) hours prior to the time of the commencement of the Event. The meeting includes final rules talk, including safety and fair play regulations.

11. The appearance of the fighter

All fighters must be clean and presentable. It is at the discretion of the referee, physician, WKR representative, chief official, and/or local sports organizing body (committee) to determine if facial adornment (mustache, excessive sideburns and/or not only) and hair length is present. Potential danger to the safety of the fighter or opponent, or would interfere with the supervision or management of the match.

Excessive use of grease or any foreign substance is not allowed. The referee, or a WKR representative, must insist that any excessive grease or foreign matter be removed. Non-compliance by the contestant shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action, such as a money deduction or disqualification.

12. The fighter is disqualified or declared disqualified

Fighters who are declared ineligible for their bouts due to being excessively underweight, wrong age, previously known physical infirmity of the fighter, or any willful violation of the regulations will be subject to fines and suspension. Unless a fighter’s contract states otherwise, the Promoter has no obligation to ineligible fighters, and can demand reimbursement of any expenses or money by the Promoter. However, the Promoter will be obligated to pay the expenses of the opposing fighter, who properly presents himself, plus any cancellation settlements if stipulated in that fighter’s contract.

Fighters who are disqualified during their bout for intentional gross rule violations, unprofessional performance, or who represent themselves inappropriately after a bout may be subject to the same penalties.

Section IV: Fighter’s Equipment and Seconds
Uniform: All fighters entering the ring must wear the approved uniform. For Full Contact matches, the uniform must contain ankle length pants and must be neat, clean and not torn. Pants should be of the elastic or elastic type rather than a drawstring. Suitable approved shorts must be worn for all matches under Kickboxing, Oriental Rules and Muay Thai matches. Any exception to the dress code must be requested in advance. Fighters present their uniforms.
Fighters, who present themselves in inappropriate attire, may be fined up to 10% of their purse, and not allowed to compete in their bout until they have presented themselves in accordance with the regulations. Prior to the start of the competition, fighters remove their tunics or gowns and any other ornaments that are not required equipment for the actual bout. Black belts may be worn at the fighter’s choice in Full Contact matches only, and must be worn securely around the waist. The referee must make a final check before the match begins.

2. Gloves, foot pads, shin pads, elbow pads, groin guards, mouthpieces (mouthguards), head guards, and body gear.

All fighters must wear approved boxing gloves. Protective foot pads may be worn in full contact bouts.. If gloves and foot pads have been previously used (not new), they must be in proper condition ie clean and free of damage – subject to inspection and approval by referee, WKR representative and/ or the local sports regulatory body (committee). If found incomplete, it must be replaced immediately before the start of the game. No breaking, roughing, or twisting of gloves or foot pads is allowed.

Approved soft material shin guards, head guards and body gear can be worn in amateur and junior bouts. In bouts fought under professional rules, shin guards and body gear are not used. A head guard can be used and in Muay Thai bouts, elbow pads.

All male fighters must wear an approved groin guard. A plastic cup with an adequate sports support, or a metal guard if preferred.

All female fighters may wear an approved anti-hate breast shield.

A mouth piece (mouth guard) is mandatory for every fighter.

Fighters must provide their own mouthpieces (mouth guard), groin guards, and breast guards.

Gloves, foot pads, shin guards, elbow pads, head guard, and body gear must be provided by the promoter.

All Promoters must have several additional complete sets of equipment of common sizes for use in any event of damage and/or abuse during the course of a match. Fighters who do not present themselves properly equipped at the time the bout begins may be subject to fines, and may be penalized by the referee including counting them out of the bout. Any problems with the device must be resolved immediately.

Rings, jewelry, and/or not only items other than those authorized may be worn.

3. Gloves – standard specification

All gloves must be of professional quality and must be certified. All gloves must be made to fit the hands of any fighter whose hand may be unusual in size.

8 ounces for 154 lbs and under, 10 oz for all weight divisions over 154 lbs.

In all amateur and junior matches, 10 oz gloves may be used.

* 1 lb is approximately 0.453 kg.

The referee, WKR representative, principal official, and/or local sports regulatory body (committee) must inspect and approve any tape used on gloves prior to a match. The referee must also check and approve any tape used on the gloves prior to the start of the match.

4. Gloves – Additional conditions for the main event Gloves for all professional world title bouts must be new. Gloves for pro-amateur, amateur, junior, or non-title main event bouts must be new or of a pre-approved standard.

5. Hand and foot wrap

The principal official and representative of the WKR and/or local sports regulatory body (committee) must inspect hand and foot wraps, and sign hand wraps across the knuckles before securing the gloves to the hands. The referee must additionally check and approve the turning of the foot before the start of the match.

Hand wrapping may not exceed one roll of surgeon’s tape of a maximum width of 5.08 cm (2″). It should be placed directly on the hand to protect the part of the hand near the wrist.

The tape may cross the back of the hand twice, but may not extend within approximately 2 cm (3/4″) of the knuckles when the hand is in a fist.

For each hand, a 5.08 cm (2″) max wide soft surgical pad, held in place by 305 cm (10 ft) max surgeon’s tape.

For each hand, one 18 m (20 yd) roll of bandage may be used to complete the hand wrapping. Strips of tape can be used between the fingers to secure the bandages.

Hand wrapping should be done in the dressing room. A WKR representative, principal, and/or local sports organizing body (committee) may attend. Either fighter may witness the bandaging of the opponent’s hand.

The foot can be rolled to secure the ankle to each leg. Surgeon’s tape with a maximum width of 5.08 cm (2″) may be used. Approved ankle mounts may be used.

6. The number and appearance of seconds

In non-title rounds, each fighter may receive three (3) seconds of their choice. In title bouts, four (4) seconds may be allowed. Seconds should present a neat and tidy appearance, preferably in team uniform. The seconds provide a bucket, spittoon, tape, water bottle, and other equipment necessary to do its job. The seconds must keep their fighter’s corner neat.

Seconds may not sit on, lean on or touch the ring ropes and the canvas and/or not only interfere (physically or verbally) with the match or the duties of the referee or officials.

During breaks, there may be two (2) seconds inside the loop.

The referee may, at his discretion, impose penalty points for inappropriate and unprofessional conduct (physical or verbal) by seconds.

7. It is forbidden to throw water

Excessive or unjustified splashing of water on a fighter during the break between shots is prohibited. The seconds must wipe the canvas dry in their corner before the start of each round. Fighters must only spit into a spittoon.

8. Throw in the towel

The trainer, second leader, or fighter’s manager may throw a towel into the ring as a symbol of their fighter’s defeat. They must then follow the towel into the ring as quickly as possible.

Fifth Section: Making shifts
1. Duration of rounds and breaks

Full Contact – Rounds last two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute break. No extra rounds. The professional title bouts are five (5), six (6), seven (7), ten (10), and twelve (12) rounds with respect to the regional, national, continental, intercontinental, and world championships. Non-title bouts with a maximum of ten (10) rounds.

Kickboxing – In five (5) round title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. In three (3) tour title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. Untitled rounds may consist of five (5) rounds of two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute break. No extra rounds.

Eastern Rules – In five (5) round title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. In three (3) tour title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. Untitled rounds may consist of five (5) rounds of two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute break. No extra rounds.

Muay Thai – In five (5) round title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. In three (3) tour title bouts, rounds are three (3) minutes long with a two (2) minute break. Untitled rounds may consist of five (5) rounds of two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute break. No extra rounds.

Pro-Amateur, Amateur and Junior matches consist of three (3) rounds of two (2) minutes with an intermission of one (1) minute. Title bouts may consist of four (4) or five (5) rounds of two (2) minutes with a one (1) minute break.

The time for each round runs continuously and may be stopped (timed out) at the referee’s (*) sole discretion, due to situations such as modification of equipment or uniform, adverse injury, obligation to foul and/or not only.

* A doctor or WKR representative may stop a bout at any time if they have concerns about the health and/or safety of the participating fighter(s).

2. Referee instructions

Before the start of the bout, the referee must inspect the entire ring to ensure that no damage has been done to the ring floor, the ring ropes and/and not only.

Before the start of the match, the referee must greet the corner and make sure of the name of the main second for each fighter. The referee must advise them to take responsibility for the conduct of all their assistants during the match.

The referee must make a final check of all of each fighter’s equipment. Includes (if applicable/not only) gloves, tape used over gloves, foot wrap, shin guards, foot pads, groin guard, breast guard, elbow pads, body gear, and head guard. The referee may also smell the gloves and any other piece of equipment to ensure that no type of ointment (oil, cream/not only) has been used on the top of the equipment. The referee may check equipment before the start of any round and time out during the round to repair any piece of equipment if necessary.

The referee must check each fighter for excessive use of Vaseline and/or not only.

In Full Contact, Kickboxing and Oriental Rules matches, before the start of the match, the traditional bow must be performed. The referee must bow to each fighter and each fighter must return the bow to the referee. Each fighter must bow to each other.

In Muay Thai matches, Wai Khru Ram Muay and Bow must be performed. During the ritual, the referee must remain in the nerve corner.

Before the bout begins, the referee must call the fighters together and give them final rules instructions and “touch gloves”. The fighter may be accompanied by their second commander.

The referee must then send both fighters to their corner and wait for the second boss to leave the ring.

The referee must ensure that each fighter has a mouthpiece (mouth guard) in place before the ‘start’ of each round.

Before each round, the referee must obtain verbal confirmation from each fighter and his corner that he is ready to start the round.

The referee must check all ring officials to be ready for the start of the round. The referee must check the timekeeper and doctor to be ready, and signals the start of the round.

3. The method of giving orders

The referee must use loud, understandable, firm and concise commands. Commands must be given in English; Or in boxer’s language if possible.

4. Persons allowed to enter the ring during the match

No one other than the fighters and the referee may be inside the ring while the round is in progress. Referees may not enter the ring for any reason during the match. The referee may punish or disqualify any fighter whose members or fans violate this rule.

5. Approved offensive techniques

All offensive techniques such as punches, kicks, knees, and elbows are permitted, except for those designated as “fouls”. Permitted techniques include those in many boxing, kickboxing, kung fu, taekwondo, muay thai and similar fighting systems. Different offensive techniques can be implemented according to the individual fighter’s fighting style or “discipline” for each given bout.

6. Errors Fouls can be classified at the referee’s discretion according to the system in which each bout is contested, into two categories: one-point and two-point fouls, with a maximum of two points for either competitor. The referee must base his decision on the severity of the penalty on the intent of the foul and the result of the foul. At the time of the offense, the referee must show the judges how many points will be subtracted from each scorecard at the end of the round, or they may simply issue a warning to the fighter, as no points are subtracted.

Fouls may include a violation of the disciplinary rules under which each particular match is contested. The general error list below may not include a method that is prohibited for each particular discipline. Match rules must be observed.

General errors

1. Head butting.

2. Hitting or kicking in the groin – a low blow.

3. Intentional hitting or kickboxing in the back of the head.

4. Linear or straight hitting or kicking of the spine.

5. Attacking the fighter when he is down. A fighter is considered frustrated when any part of his body other than his feet touches the ground. If the fighter is on the way to the ground, the opponent may continue attacking until they touch the ground; With any part of the body other than the feet.

8. Takedowns, other than legal sweeps. Intentionally shoving, pushing, or wrestling an opponent onto the canvas or outside the ring with any part of the body.

9. Illegal sweeping.

10 – Attacking the “break” when the referee orders both fighters to take a step back.

11. Attack after the bell rings to end the round.

12. Holding the ropes with one hand while striking or defending with the other hand or legs.

13. Full Contact Leg Check – Extend the leg to check the opponent’s leg to prevent them from kicking. (The judge will count the fighter’s checked kick as an attempted kick.)

14. Going down on purpose without getting hit, which will result in the referee automatically performing 8 counts.

15. Using offensive language in the ring or corner as determined by the referee.

16. Â Hitting or tapping with an open glove or thumb, or hitting with the inside or bottom of the glove.

17. Deliberately avoiding contact (avoiding the match).

18. Intentionally delaying a contest through improper equipment, seconds left in the ring after the start of a round, starting a round without a mouthpiece or by deliberately dropping or spitting on a mouthpiece, and/or not only.

Note: A fighter using a technique deemed foul and considered malicious (with the intent to cause injury to his opponent and outside the range reasonably expected in an athletic competition) may be subject to liability for the medical as well as recovery related expenses of a fighter injured as a result of such fouling technique.

If a fighter is injured fouling style and is nonetheless allowed to continue the bout by the decision of the doctor, but if the bout is subsequently stopped due to further injury damage, the scorecards should be consulted. If the fighter who committed the foul is ahead, a technical draw must be awarded. If the fouled fighter is ahead, he must be awarded the match victory by technical decision.

7. Error logging

When the referee decides to foul, although the fight continues, the referees must automatically deduct the appropriate number of points on each scorecard.

When both fighters commit fouls, the appropriate points must be deducted on each fighter’s scorecard. If a fighter commits two two-point fouls in one round, or commits the same foul two or more times during the course of a bout, the referee may disqualify the player. The referee may also allow the fight to continue if he feels there is no malicious intent involved, and requires the referees to deduct the appropriate points for each foul. No fighter can score less than zero in a round.

8. Dirty, stop the game

If the referee determines that the spoiled fighter needs time to recover, he may stop the match (and time) and give the injured fighter a reasonable amount of time to recover, up to a maximum of five (5) minutes under normal circumstances. At the end of this reasonable rest period, the referee and physician must determine whether the fighter at fault may continue the bout. If they can, time must resume in that round, and the match continues.

Scoring a foul depends on the referee’s next decision.

a) If the referee determines that the foul was committed by a fighter, and that the fouling fighter did not contribute to the injury (by bending the knee, moving to the oncoming forehead, etc.), the referee shall instruct the referees. To deduct the appropriate number of points from the scorecards of the fighter who commits the foul.

b) If the referee determines that the injured fighter was responsible for his injury, the referee will not penalize his opponent in any way. In this case, if the referee or physician determines that the injured fighter is unable to continue, he or she will lose by technical knockout.

c) If the referee determines that there is no foul attributable to either fighter (that the injury resulted from both fighters such as an accident), the referee will allow the injured fighter time to recover, but will not penalize either fighter. If, at the end of the recovery period, the referee or physician determines that the offending fighter cannot continue, the scores must be added up prior to that round and the bout is awarded to the leading fighter at the time. This error is referred to as a “no fault” error and the decision a “technical decision”. If a “no foul” occurs in the first round of any fight, the referee will declare a technical draw. An amateur match must last at least one full round, a non-world professional match must last at least two full rounds, and a professional world title match must last at least three full rounds for a “technical decision” to be awarded. Otherwise, a “technical lottery” is awarded.

d) Blind Fouls – If an injury occurred due to a suspected foul, which the referee could not see (blind foul), the referee may trust the judges and a WKR representative to determine if a foul was instituted. They may take into account any, all, or none of the opinions expressed by these officials. In world title bouts broadcast live, the referee may request a replay of the technique involved before making his decision. In the ring, the referee’s decision may only be supervised and overturned by a WKR representative, or a moderator present, and then, only in the event of an obvious foul or misapplication of the rules.

9. Sweeping

In Full Contact matches, sweeps should be performed using the arch of the foot and delivered to the outside of the leg, and only to the lower part of the calf or ankle. The sweeping technique must be an obvious attempt to unbalance the opponent’s front leg, and must not clearly be an attempt to injure the leg. Sweeps to the inside of the leg, front of the leg, or to the hind leg are only allowed in matches fought under the rules of kickboxing, oriental, or muay thai.

The fighter’s choice is whether or not to pursue his all-out legal bid. Follow-up techniques must land on the opponent before any part of their body (other than their feet) touches the ground. As always, hitting a downed opponent is illegal. A successful sweep is not a knockout.


In all full contact bouts, each fighter must deliver at least eight legal kicks per round. Legal kicks are attempts to forcefully land on a target area of ​​an opponent’s body, with the intent to cause damage, or any legitimate attempt to head-kick.

c. The kicking judges who determine which kicks will count can only be supervised and voided by a WKR representative, or an attending supervisor, and only in the event of an obvious foul or misapplication of the rules.

b- For each kick less than eight thrown by a fighter, half a penalty point will be assessed. This penalty will be subtracted by the judges from each scorecard if a fighter does not meet the MKR in any two rounds of a three-, four-, five-, or six-round bout; or any three rounds of a seven-, eight-, nine-, ten- or eleven-round bout, or any four rounds of a twelve-round bout for the world title, will be immediately disqualified.

c. The disqualification rule for kicks missed in multiple rounds may be waived by the WKR representative or supervisor present. , for good reason.

If at the same time both fighters fail to meet the WKR as indicated above, the bout will be stopped and a technical draw declared.

For every eight standing counts, or eight mandatory counts, in any round, both fighters’ MKR will be reduced by one kick. For example, if a round contains 1 knockdown, the minimum kick requirement would be 7 for that round. Each judge will drop a card to each fighter during the mandatory standing or eight count, to compensate for this reduction in .

In all matches fought under Kickboxing, Oriental and Muay Thai rules, there will be no minimum kicking requirement.

11. Willful evasion of the competition

A fighter who intentionally avoids physical contact with his opponent will receive a warning from the referee. If a fighter continues to do so after receiving a warning during that round, they may be penalized by the referee. If a fighter continues to do so either in the same round or in any round, the referee may award further penalties, or stop the bout and declare a technical knockout.

12. The ability to pause the contest

The referee, physician, WKR representative, or moderator present shall have the power to stop the contest. The Referee and the Doctor have the power to stop the bout at any point during the bout, including breaks, if they deem it to be too one-sided, or if any of the fighters are in such a state that it would be subject to continuation for them to sustain injuries.

In either case, the referee and the doctor have the authority to make the decision. Should both combatants be in such a condition that they might sustain serious injuries; The referee will announce the technical draw.

In cases where a fighter receives a cut from a fair blow or an accidental foul, or any other injury that the referee believes may disable the fighter, the referee may call the attending physician in the ring to examine the fighter before he decides to stop the bout. The time will be determined during the examination. The doctor at ringside has the authority to enter the ring, whether called by the referee or not, to ascertain the extent of any injury they think may have occurred, or any serious injury they think may have been sustained by a fighter. The Doctor must express his desire to enter the ring, by instructing the WKR representative to ring the bell. The ringing of the bell, called for in the middle of the round, shall signal the referee to pause the bout for examination. The time will be stopped during the scan.

Either the referee or the doctor has the authority to stop the match, but if the doctor requests termination on medical grounds, the referee will automatically stop the match. The arbitrator alone has the authority to make a decision in the event of termination.

13. Trumpets

No fighter will be allowed to start any round without a mouthpiece. Not starting the round with the mouthpiece inserted by the referee is considered a “match delay” foul, and must issue a warning or penalty as determined by the referee. In professional or amateur bouts when the mouthpiece has been struck with a fair blow or dirty tactic or yet the mouthpiece is dropped or spat out by the fighter, the referee shall stop the bout, calling time out, and replacing the mouthpiece, allowing the combatants seconds to clean the mouthpiece if needed. The intentional dropping or spitting of the mouthpiece by a fighter is also considered a “fight delay” foul, and the referee is penalized accordingly.

In both amateur and professional matches, the mouthpiece is replaced when it is lost for any reason. All fighters must bring two mouthpieces to ringside for use during the match.

14. Non-compete Procedure

In any case where the referee determines that either (or both) fighters are not competing honestly, eg that a knockout is a “dive”, or that a foul was pre-arranged, they will not finish the eight count, they will not disqualify a fighter for fouling, nor He issues a decision – they will stop the fight and declare it over, no later than the end of the last round. The ring announcer must inform the audience that a “no decision” applies. The bags of each of the fighters will remain suspended based on the results of the investigation.

The WKR representative will have final authority in deciding the match.

15. Non-resumption of the match

No fighter may leave the ring during the one-minute rest period between rounds. If a fighter does not come out of their corner when the bell rings at the start of the round, the referee will begin to count as if the fighter was knocked down, and the judges will consider the situation as an actual knockout when the round is scored. At the end of the count, if the fighter fails or refuses to resume the fight, the referee awards a technical knockout blow to his opponent, unless the circumstances indicate to the referee the need for an investigation or disciplinary action, in which case the referee will not decide on the “fight outcome”. The bags of each of the fighters will remain suspended based on the results of the investigation.

16. Wiping hand pads

Before a downed fighter resumes his fight after being knocked down, slipped, or fallen to the canvas, the referee wipes that fighter’s gloves free of any dirt or moisture.

17. The method of counting on the falling warrior

When a fighter is down, the referee will open the count announcing “One”, then send the standing fighter to the farthest neutral corner of the ring, pointing to that corner. The timekeeper will immediately start raising fingers to determine how many seconds have passed. The referee will look at the timekeeper to take the count. He will audibly announce the passing of the seconds, and continue the count as he raises his fingers in front of the downed fighter.

If a fighter is knocked down, the referee will begin the compulsory eight-count. If the fighter appears to be able to continue, the match will be allowed to resume.

The number of judgment is the only official count.

The referee may not count from eight if a fighter stands on his feet and raises his hands up in the fighting position.

The bell, even in the last round, may not save a fighter. However, if the bell rings, and the round ends before the fighter begins to fall, the fighter will be allowed to return to his corner, assisted, if necessary, by only one of his seconds.

If the opponent fails to stay in the farthest neutral corner, the referee stops counting until he has returned to him, then resumes counting at the point from which it was cut off.

If a fighter does not get up before the ten count, they will be declared eliminated and the match will be awarded to their opponent.

If the referee deems that the downed fighter will not be able to get up by the count of ten, and believes the fighter needs more immediate attention, he may signal the end of the bout before the count of ten by waving his arms and immediately calling the doctor, and the fighter’s corner personnel to attend to the fighter Lower.

A fighter will be declared down if any part of his body, other than his feet, touches the ground. A fighter will not be declared down if he is accidentally pushed or slipped to the ground. The decision as to whether a fighter is pushed or slid to the ground, rather than being brought down, will be made by the referee.

If the warrior counting down remains when the referee calls the count of ten, the referee will wave his arms to indicate that they are out, and will indicate that the opponent is the winner.

the end of the round before the referee reaches ten, it will have no effect on the count; There is no bell rescue. In all rounds, a downed fighter must rise before the ten count to avoid being disqualified.

The referee may decide during the rest period between rounds that the fighter is unable to continue the bout safely and is therefore the loser of the bout by technical knockout.

The referee may request that a doctor examine the fighter during the bout. If the examination is performed during the cycle, the clock must be stopped until the examination is completed.

If both fighters go down simultaneously, the count continues as long as one of them goes down. If both fighters remain down until the count of ten, the bout will be stopped, and the decision will be a technical draw. If one fighter rises before the count of ten, and the other fighter remains down, the first fighter ascending will be declared the winner by knockout. If both fighters step up before the ten count, the round continues.

18. Resume counting

If a downed fighter gets up before reaching ten, and goes down immediately without being hit, the referee must resume the count from where it left off. If a fighter stands for more than two seconds, or his opponent touches him in some way before going down, the referee will start a new count.

19. Count for a knockdown

Once the fighter is down, the timekeeper begins calling the count (from one to ten while the referee directs the opponent to the farthest neutral corner. When the referee catches the standing fighter, he returns to the fallen fighter and counts on him, picking up the count from the timekeeper. In other words, if the timekeeper has reached Time to the Count of Four By the time the referee returns to the downed fighter, the referee begins to count to “five.” The referee continues to check the timekeeper’s signal to ensure that the timing of the count (the referee’s) is correct.

20. Standing count

In all amateur and professional bouts, the referee may count eight players standing for a fighter who is in trouble, but is still standing. He must direct the opponent to a neutral corner, then count from one to eight, visually checking the fighter in trouble while counting. If, after completing the eight-count, the referee determines that the fighter is able to continue, the fight will be restarted. If the referee determines that the fighter is unable to continue, the fight will be stopped and the opponent will be declared the winner by technical knockout.

21. When a fighter falls out of the ring during a round

When a fighter is grappled, pushed, or dropped over or through the ropes during a match, the referee will call a timeout. If the fallen fighter’s ability to return to the ring seems doubtful at all, the referee may ask the fighter to be examined by a doctor. If the doctor and referee deem that the fallen fighter is able to continue the match, they will be allowed to return to the ring. The cornerback will do no more than assist the downed fighter, and if he is found to be performing any other task such as trying to stop the bleeding etc., the referee will immediately penalize or disqualify the downed fighter.

The referee penalizes a fighter who grapples, pushes, or throws an opponent out of the ring, or strikes him when he is partially outside the ring and the ropes prevent him from taking up a defensive position. If the tactic results in injury, the guilty fighter may be disqualified in accordance with the appropriate ruling under the fouls.

When a fighter intentionally falls through the ropes, or has been knocked out of the ring by a fair blow (i.e. not wrestled, shoved, or pushed through the ropes by the opponent), the referee will begin counting the fallen fighter as if they had been knocked into the ring. The fighter’s seconds, in this case, will not be allowed to help the fighter back into the ring.

Once standing on the ring platform outside the ropes, the fighter must immediately enter the ring, where they may either restart the match, or the referee may finish the count. When a fighter falls over or through the ropes, the other fight must remain in the farthest neutral corner until the referee orders the bout to continue.

22. Three knockdown referee

The referee will in all circumstances have the power to stop the contest or to allow it to continue, regardless of the number of knockouts or eight counts not exceeding three. Section VI: Physical Examination and Safety Regulations
1. Physical examination fee

A place or room shall be provided for the attending physician to conduct an examination for each contestant. His fees include temporary or emergency treatment for any injured person. The promoter bears the fee for this examination. The physician to be appointed must have a Doctor of Medicine degree, Doctor of Medicine degree, or international equivalent.

2. Time and exam

The attending physician will perform a physical examination and a thorough eye examination for each fighter at the time of his weigh-in.

3. Examination order

A fighter who has been signed to a contract to fight may in any case be required to report at any time to be weighed or examined by a doctor.

Any fighter participating in a WKR sanctioned event may be required to submit to a pre-fight or post-fight blood and/or urine test for foreign substances. Any fighter who refuses to take the exam will be suspended immediately, and subject to disciplinary action and penalties as stipulated in the contractual agreements.

4. Rejections and reports

If any scrutinized fighter proves unfit to compete, the fighter must be rejected, and an immediate report of fact made to the promoter and WKR representative. One hour before the start of the event, the physician will notify the WKR representative in writing that the fighters are in good physical shape.

5. Disease reports

When a fighter, due to injury or illness, is unable to participate in a contracted bout, that fighter or his manager must immediately report the incident to WKR. Then the fighter undergoes an examination by a doctor. The warrior or promoter pays the examination fee to the doctor if the latter requests an examination.

6. Constant presence of the UT mobile emergency physician

There must be at least one licensed physician, with a master’s degree in medicine or equivalent, and one backup emergency stretcher at all WKR-sanctioned events. The mobile phone must include a full set of resuscitation equipment and accessories and be parked inside or next to the entrance to the building hosting the event. The doctor should sit directly next to the ring for the duration of the seizures. The stretcher, oxygen tank, and “instant ice” containers must be readily available at ringside.

The match will not be allowed to proceed unless the doctor is present in the ring. The doctor will not leave until after the decision in the final game. A doctor would be ready to assist should any serious emergency arise, and would provide temporary or emergency treatments for minor cuts or injuries suffered by combatants.

Under no circumstances are fighters allowed to enter the ring or to groom the fighter in any way whatsoever, during the round. The ringside physician cannot tend to an injured fighter during the fight, but can only provide a professional opinion on whether or not the injured fighter can resume the match.

7. Injury report

All treating physicians must report all cases in which combatants were injured during a bout or applied for medical assistance after the event. If a Fighter sustains a knockout, or other serious injury, whether in or out of the ring, whether or not associated with kickboxing, is on that account treated by his personal physician, or is admitted to a hospital, the Fighter and shall Their manager shall promptly provide a full report from that physician or hospital to the WKR 8. Exit of the fighters

Fighters who have been knocked out will lie flat until they recover. When a fighter is eliminated, no one will touch the fighter except the referee or the second, who will remove the fighter’s mouthpiece, until the ringside doctor enters the ring and personally attends to the downed fighter and issues such instructions as he (the doctor) deems fit to handle the fighter.

If a fighter sustains an injury, loses, engages in an unusual pushing bout, or if a technical knockout is ordered against him by the referee, that fighter will be placed on the sick and unavailable list. A fighter who loses by knockout will be suspended from the competition. A fighter who loses by technical knockout may also be stopped. A fighter must be examined by a physician in order to obtain medical clearance (permit) to return to competition.

9. Suspension due to disability

Any fighter who is rejected (not authorized to compete) will be suspended by the examining physician until that fighter has been shown fit for further competition. Any fighter who is suspended for 30 days for his medical (health and safety) protection, or suspended after a hard fight, will be subject to the same examination as is required for physical and mental eligibility to return to competition. The doctor may order any other procedures to determine the fighter’s current condition.

10. The time between rounds

If a fighter competes in one or more full rounds, that fighter is not allowed to compete again until one full week has elapsed.

In the event of a “One Night Tournament” consisting of four or eight participants competing two or three times during one evening in order to win such a tournament, an examination by a physician and clearance must be presented before and after each match and subject to approval by a WKR representative and/or organizing body Local Sports (Committee).

11. Use of prohibited substances and drugs

Any use by a fighter of any of the prohibited substances and/or drugs will result in disqualification, fines, and suspension.

Section VII: Officers, Employees, and Duties
1. Circular officials

A referee, three judges, one time officiant, a WKR representative, and a physician must be present during the match. Judges may be required to kick for full contact. All administrators must be qualified and registered. The WKR will appoint for each event an official WKR representative, who will be responsible for appointing the referee and judges. A WKR representative will work with the promoter in appointing other ringside officials, but the final authority to select and appoint all officials to the front row will remain with the WKR. If an event falls under the jurisdiction of a local sport organizing authority (the commission), and its regulations require any change, the decision will be made by a representative of the WKR with respect to those regulations.

2- Countries and states (territories) governed by the local sport organizing authority (the commission)

In those areas where the sport is organized by the commission, the commission will usually provide an on-site inspector (delegated), who will assist the promoter in the operation of the event. In these cases, the WKR representative will work closely with the inspector in the performance of his or her duties.

3. Timekeeper equipment

The promoter will provide all audio and recording equipment needed for the timekeeping. In those commission-regulated areas, a second timekeeper may be provided by the commission, in which case, they will bring their own equipment.

4. Duties of the timekeeper

The timekeeper will give the appropriate signal for the start and end of each round. The timekeeper will keep time during each round, and start and stop the official clock, for time-outs set by the referee. The timekeeper will keep time during the rest period for each round according to the fight schedule. Ten seconds before the start of each round, the timekeeper will give a warning seconds (corner) to the fighters with an appropriate signal.


For Full Contact matches, there will be two kicking judges at ringside, whose responsibility is to determine the legality of kicks taken by fighters, and to maintain that the number of kicks considered legal. The kicking judge assigned to fighter A will sit opposite fighter A’s corner, and the judge who kicks designated fighter B will sit opposite fighter B’s corner.

Each of the kicking referees will keep track of the number of kicks taken by their assigned fighters using handheld cards containing 8 flip cards numbered 1,2,3,4, up to 8. When the first legal kick is thrown, the kicking referee will drop a card to show the number 7. When it is done Throwing each subsequent legal kick, the kicking judge will hold the appropriate number until all eight kicks have been thrown. At that time, the kicking judge will continue to count kicks, and will note the number of kicks the fighter assigned to him has thrown during the round on the kicking referees tally sheet to be captured once the bout is over.

A knockout or standing eight will count as a kick to both fighters. If a fighter takes less than the minimum number of legal kicks required in any one round, the kicking judge will immediately notify the referee of the number of kicks thrown. The referee will in turn notify the judges, who will record the appropriate penalty. Violations of the minimum kick requirements will not be made public, unless directed by a WKR representative.

The event promoter must provide all flip cards to the kicking referees. 6. Scoring method for judges

The three point match judges will choose a winner from each round at the end of each round, and mark their scorecards accordingly. These scorecards will be collected by the referee, and tabulated at the end of each round by a WKR representative (moderator). Once the respective referees have marked their scorecards, any changes to those scorecards will only be permitted at the direction of a WKR representative. The judges score all rounds by scoring ten points for the winner in each round, and a score of at least eight points for the loser in each round, depending on the following qualifications:

10.10 points up and round. Neither fighter has distinguished himself as a more effective fighter than the other. In addition, the fighters appeared equal in other areas that could be used to break up an even round, such as control of the opponent, ring strategy, and general conditioning and abilities.

10.9 indicates that a fighter distinguished himself as the most effective fighter during the round, as described above. This score is used a lot, and indicates that there is a clear margin between the two fighters.

10.8 refers to a round in which one fighter was in constant control, unquestionably outperforming his opponent. This fighter must have clearly stunned his opponent. It usually includes at least one knockdown or one of eight fixed counts, or cut(s).

10.7 refers to more than eight numbers.

Conclusion for the match

The sum of the points on each given scorecard is calculated to determine each judge’s selection of a winner. Each judge’s selection will count as one vote to determine the overall winner of the match.

If, when collected, the judge’s scorecard reflects an equal number of points for both fighters, that judge will have voted for a tie. If two judges have an equal number of points for both fighters, the bout will be declared a draw. If one of the judges has an equal number of points for both fighters and the scores of the other judges each favor a different player, the bout will be declared a draw. If the scores of two judges favor one, and the other judge votes for a tie, the fighter with two votes wins by majority decision. If all three judges’ scores favor one fighter, that fighter will be declared the winner by unanimous decision. If one judge votes for a fighter, and the other two judges vote for the other fighter, the winner will be declared by split decision.

In all title bouts for the vacant title – there will be no draws. In all of these title matches, a tie-breaker card will be dealt to the three referees before the match begins. All judges will indicate a winner on a tie-breaker ticket based on their overall perception of the match from start to catch (rather than round by round). The tie-breaker will be combined with the scorecards for the final round. These tiebreaker cards will only be used for tiebreakers. When the judge’s score actually determines their vote, the tiebreaker card will be discarded.

If it is necessary to replace a judge during a bout due to illness, the scores will represent the rounds already completed. A substitute judge, appointed by a WKR representative, will score the remaining rounds of the bout. In the event a tiebreaker ticket is requested, the WKR representative will vote on a tiebreaker based on their perception of the match as a whole.

This vote will only be used when the substitute judge’s score is found to be a tie.

7. Duties of the Registrar

At the end of each round, the scorer will take the scorecards from the assistant scorer or WKR supervisor who will collect them from the three scoring referees, take the number of kicks from the two referees’ kick cards, and then tab the scores onto his or her master scorecard.

The scorer must calculate all foul points that have been charged by the referee at the end of each round in relation to the amount of penalty points, deduct them appropriately from each referee’s score under the ten-point scoring system, and enter the results in the main scorecard. If the bout should end in a knockout or technical knockout, the scorekeeper must enter the exact time of the KO/TKO into the main scorecard. At that time, the scorer must perform the final tallies and turn over the totals to the WKR supervisor, who will verify the accuracy of the results. When required, he will check tiebreaker ballots. The representative will then report the results of the match to the referee and announcer, making sure that the scorekeeper also records score sheets which show the total legal kicks taken by each fighter in Full Contact matches.

8. Announcing the results

After the WKR moderator completes verification of the accuracy of the final scores for each match, the moderator will give the ring announcer the scores on the “Announcer’s Final Score Sheet”. The announcer then informs the audience of the decision made regarding the public address system. The referee will indicate the winner as the announcer gives the name of the winner.

In the event of a tie, the announcer and referee make the appropriate designation. In the event of a knockout, technical knockout, disqualification, or loss, the announcer and referee will officially designate the winner and give the time the match was stopped. In the event of a technical draw, the announcer will give the time the match was stopped and will explain to the audience the nature of the decision.

9. Change the resolution

The decision made upon ending any match is final, and cannot be changed unless the WKR representative at the event, or later the WKR moderator determines that any of the following has occurred:

(a) There was a collusion effect on the outcome of any bout.

B. Compiling the score card shows the judges an error

It will indicate that the official decision was given to the wrong fighter.

c. There was a clear violation of the rules or regulations governing the WKR

Spells affected the outcome of any match.

If the WKR Superintendent determines that any of the above has occurred in connection with any shift, the decision issued shall be altered as the WKR Supervisor may direct.

10. Protests

All protests against a match decision must be recorded only orally by the protesting fighter and/or his trainer to a WKR representative prior to the end of the event, who will indicate the nature of the protest in his representative’s report. All protests must be received at the appropriate WKR office, in writing and accompanied by all relevant evidence (video tapes, affidavits, etc.), no later than 10 days after the match in question.

All decisions made by the WKR moderator are final.

All parties must understand that the WKR has no power over local sports commissions and cannot change their rules. The standard for review is “obvious” evidence, which would justify a change in the decision, or “obvious” circumstances, which, in the interest of the sport, would justify the change in the decision.

Appendix I: Property Defense Policy
Article one – titles, in general

Section 1 – Types of headings

A: Each WKR World sanctioned weight division must have the following positions in all disciplines

(1) One World Champion;

(2) an intercontinental champion;

(3) multiple international champions;

(4) One continental hero per active continent (hero and allies must reside on the corresponding continent)

(5) One National Champion per active country (Hero and allies must reside in the corresponding country);

(6) One regional hero per active region (the hero and allies must reside or fight primarily in the corresponding region);

(7) One state or province hero per active state or province (the hero and allies must reside or fight primarily in the corresponding state or province).

All WKR titles are exclusively and individually owned by WKR, and as such are subject to change in name, weight limits, or otherwise – and may be awarded or removed from fighters at any time in WKR’s sole discretion. No champions, directors, or any entity other than WKR itself may claim express or implied ownership rights in any WKR title.

Section 2 – Organization of headings

a. The regulatory authority on WKR titles shall be as follows

(1) The WKR World Bureau Executive Committee, through the Office of the President, shall have regulatory authority over all World, Intercontinental and Continental titles.

(2) The WKR’s Continental Directors shall have regulatory authority over all Continental titles.

(3) The WKR’s national directors shall have organizational authority over all national, regional, and state titles. National directors may delegate authority over regional belts to regional directors, and authority over state or provincial titles to state or provincial directors.

B. The regulatory powers stipulated in A (1-3) above shall include the power to: Grant approval for title fight matchmaking

(2) Determining the priority of competitors for titles

(iii) determining the validity of offers made by the Promoters to the Champion and Challengers;

(iv) enforce the provisions of the applicable WKR title defense policy, including the authority to strip champions of their belts (requiring approval by the next higher WKR office) and/or suspend the activity of both champions and challengers;

(v) Specify under what circumstances and to what extent the waiver of any provisions of the WKR Defense Title Policy shall extend to a champion or competitor

(vi) Formulate an official WKR Title Defense Policy, if the Title is the Continental Title or less (until a Title Defense Policy is drafted, such portions of this Title Defense Policy shall control the title in question, with such deviations as it deems The director is suitable to impose it 

c. The actions of all WKR Directors – shall be subject to those of the WKR Executive Committee, which may review, alter or overrule such actions. The champion or challenger may appeal any WKR-manager’s action to the next higher WKR office, whose manager must either confirm or reverse the decision, or certify the matter to the next higher WKR office. For such an appeal to be considered by champion or challenger it must be in writing and be accompanied by any other evidence the appellant wishes to consider, and must be postmarked within 10 days after the appellant has been informed of the decision; It must be accompanied by the appropriate non-refundable registration fee.

Section 3 – A champion may not hold two titles

A: No champion may hold more than one title at a time under the same rules. The least-owned address will be considered vacant when the next 24-hour period expires.

(b) A champion who obtains a second title in a different weight class, whether it is an equal, greater or lesser title, shall have five (5) days during which to decide which title to hold. If he does not make a decision within this time limit, and communicates it clearly to the appropriate regulatory office, the WKR—the manager with the authority to make the choice based on the WKR’s preference—must make.

Article will – classification and challenge priority

Section 1 – Updating Assessments

A: Once every sixty days, at a time to be determined by the World Board Executive Committee, each National Director must submit an updated list of rankings to WKR Headquarters. The ranking list should clearly list who are the national champions in each division, the front-runners for each national title, and the fighters who will be included in each division’s honorable mention category. You must include all names first

Names and surnames, and the name of the city in which the fighter resides.

B. At the request of the Executive Committee of the World Council, the Continental Offices shall collect these National Rankings and compose the Continental Rankings, which meet the above criteria, which shall then be transmitted to the headquarters of the World Council West by the requested date.

c. The Executive Committee of the World Council may request such other classifications, by geographical location, as it deems necessary.

The WKR’s National Directors – Regional, State and District Directors may request the information needed to properly compose the National Rankings. National directors may also require regional, state, and regional directors under their jurisdiction to maintain classifications for their regions that meet the same qualifications as the national classifications.

e. The Executive Committee of the World Council shall be responsible for the compilation and publication of the World Rankings, at intervals not exceeding sixty days.

Section 2 – Inclusion in Assessments

c. The decision on which fighters to include in the WKR’s rankings – is up to the director responsible for compiling those ratings, subject to approval by the WKR’s higher offices.

A fighter may be disqualified from any WKR rankings or placed in a lower rank for reasons including but not limited to:

(1) lethargy;

(2) Suspension of activity

(3) Excessive or excessive losses

(4) Refuse to accept valid offers

(5) Participation in fights not subject to WKR sanctions

(6) indicate that the competitor is not seriously seeking an offer to fight for a title;

(7) indications that it is not in the WKR’s interest to include the fighter in the WKR’s ratings;

(viii) Inability to compete due to injury or disability:

(9) Lack of competitive skill.

The decision as to whether any of these reasons, or any others, rests with the WKR – the manager responsible for compiling the applicable ratings. Suspension from any combination of the WKR rankings will result in the fighter being suspended from all WKR ratings.

c. A fighter who competes in a non-WKR sanctioned fight risks anything or all

who is next:

(1) Reducing his priority as a contender for his title fight opportunities

(2) a downgrade in WKR’s ratings;

(3) suspension from WKR’s ratings;

(4) WKR’s title loss. The decision as to whether any or all of these penalties should be invoked rests with the manager responsible for the ratings in which he appears Tightening, subject to approval by the next higher WKR office. D – A fighter may not be classified in two weight divisions at the same time

Section 3 – priority of competitors for titles

“Challenge priority” as used herein refers to the order in which competitors must be contacted by the matchmakers and make valid bids for the challenger’s position in a given title fight.

B. The challenger’s priority, subject to any exceptions included in this policy, will be determined by the competitor’s ranking of the most recent WKR Rankings – thus, the competitor’s priority for a world or international title will be determined by the competitor’s ranking in that division in the World Rankings. The priority of the challenger for the Continental Title will follow the competitor’s ranking for that division in the applicable Continental Rankings (or the World Rankings if Continental Rankings are not produced in that jurisdiction). National title priority will follow the national rankings. Regional, state, or provincial title priority will follow the corresponding ratings; or, if such ratings are not produced, by appropriate national ratings.

c. the champion is bound by a mandatory defense (see Article lll, section 1), the mandatory challenger is unavailable or declines a valid offer, and priority will be held by the top five contenders in that section, who must be contacted in order of number. If all of these competitors are unavailable or reject valid offers, priority will pass to the remaining numbered competitors listed in this section, who may be contacted in any order. The top five competitors in the weight divisions directly above will receive equal priority in this stage and under the title division and these competitors may be approached in any order. If these competitors are all unavailable or all valid offers rejected, the matchmaker may now approach any fighter listed in any honorable mention category,

Dr.. If the champion is not bound by a compulsory defense, the contenders in that section and immediately adjacent sections which may be approached in any order shall have priority; and thereafter by fighters listed in any division’s honorable mention category, provided the fighter can achieve the required weight, and is pre-approved of the show by the WKR – the director who has regulatory authority over those ratings and that title.

Section 4 – Valid Offers, Competitor Guidelines

c. For the purposes of this Title Defense Policy, a contestant’s valid bid will be judged on individual merit and position, with respect to geography, condition, and size of the event.

Section 5 – Titles Vacancies

a. If the title is declared vacant for any reason, the competitor’s priority to fill the belt will go to the top five competitors in the division, who must be contacted in order, with valid bids equal to the provisions of Section 1 Section 4.

B. If all such competitors are unavailable or reject valid offers, priority will be given to the remaining numbered competitors in this section, who may be contacted in any order. The top five competitors in adjacent divisions, who may be contacted in any order, will have equal priority. Any competitor in these categories, prior to the offer being made by the matchmaker, must be approved by the WKR – Director with regulatory authority over the title. c- Fighters included in the categories mentioned will not normally be approved to fight for the vacant titles.

Section 6 – Title fights between equal champions
A world, intercontinental, continental or national champion may fight another champion from a different division with an equal title only with the express special permission of the WKR – the manager who has regulatory power over that title. If awarded, the WKR will determine—the special procedures that will govern the fight, the weight that will be mandatory for each fighter, the officials that will be used, and all other aspects that the WKR determines—must be different from the normal procedures.

Article All – Obligations of Heroes

Section 1 – Mandatory and non-mandatory defenses

A: The WKR may, at any time, request that the champion’s next fight be a mandatory defense. If this is the case, the champion’s next fight shall be a title defense, and the challenger shall be a mandatory challenger as chosen by WKR -. This mandatory competitor is usually the number one competitor in the champion’s division. If the mandatory competitor proves unavailable or declines a valid competitor’s offer (see Article 2, Section 4), the matchmaker may secure a competitor pursuant to the formula listed in Article 2, Section 3(c).

B. If a WKR – does not require a mandatory defense, the champion may fight any eligible competitor pursuant to the formula listed in Rule 2, Section 3(d): or fight without a title if approved by the WKR – pursuant to subsection d of this section

World Champions must have at least one mandatory defense each year, but under normal circumstances no more than two would be required. The Intercontinental, Continental, and National champions must have at least two mandatory defenses each year, but under normal circumstances no more than three would be required. Titles lower than the national titles must have mandatory defenses at the discretion of the WKR—the director with regulatory authority over the title, subject to approval by the next higher WKR office.

A World, Continental or Continental Champion, who has not defended a WKR title within the previous six (6) months will be declared an inactive champion. The address becomes vacant.

Continental, National, Regional, State and Provincial Champions must also be declared inactive and the title becomes vacant if they do not defend their titles within six (6) months.

An inactive hero who succeeds in a mandatory defense will regain his active status.

(1) Champions may only fight in non-title fights with WKR’s express agreement with the regulatory authority for that title. Such non-title fights, if approved, may not be against a numbered competitor in the champion’s division, or a top-five competitor in the adjacent division. If the champion in question is a world champion, then the non-title bout must be at least eight rounds long.

(ii) a loss by a champion in a non-title fight will result in his next fight being a mandatory defense, regardless of how many mandatory defenses the champion had during the previous year; A fighter who loses to a mandatory challenger may be considered for the next mandatory defense.

Section 2 – Valid Offers, Champions

For the purposes of the title defense policy, a champion’s valid bid is judged on individual merit and position, with respect to geography, status, and event size.

a. WKR may declare champions – they forfeit their title when one or more of the following occurs:

(1) The champion is placed in an inactive state by the WKR

(ii) the champion is suspended from activity by the WKR – or a state agency or sports commission

(3) the Champion’s refusal to accept a valid offer or to participate in a mandatory defense (4) indications that the champion is discouraging promoters from making valid offers, or is otherwise attempting to avoid mandatory defenses, or defenses against a particular competitor;

(v) the champion’s participation in a fight not authorized by the WKR, or a sanctioned fight in which he did not receive WKR’s permission to participate;

(6) An injury that may prevent the Champion from defending his title for three months or more, or a recurring injury or injuries that may interfere with the Champion making regular defenses in a timely manner.

(vii) improper conduct or performance of a WKR Champion

(viii) Champion’s entry into or pre-existence of a contractual obligation that may interfere with Champion’s conduct of a title defense in the manner contemplated and performed by WKR – Title Defense Policy, including but not limited to normal, timely and mandatory defenses against selected WKR contenders, accepting valid offers; ability and willingness to fight for any promoter that meets WKR qualifications;

(9) indications that it is not in the interest of the WKR – for the Champion to continue to hold the WKR title (or the designated title held by the Champion);

(10) Loss by the Champion in a match scheduled for the same number of rounds as a title defense, but in which the WKR Champion’s title is not in jeopardy.

B. A champion loses any title he may hold when he changes weight classes in the WKR rankings.

c. An injured or declared disabled champion, after contracting to defend the title, and unable to fulfill his contracted obligation, will forfeit his title, and the scheduled title match will continue with two challengers, as determined by WKR, fighting each other. for the vacancy, as long as:

The promoter wishes to continue with the event after becoming aware of the injury or disability

(ii) the injury or incapacitation occurs within 30 days of the date of the scheduled defense of the title if the Champion is fixed; or 45 days if it is not fixed;

(3) Suitable contenders may be contracted at the appropriate time to fight for the title if vacated.

If a title is declared vacant under this rule, competitors competing for the vacant title will be entitled to the competitors’ usual valid offers. A competitor who becomes the new champion will be required to defend against the previous champion in a mandatory defense within 90 days of the former champion regaining fitness to fight. The amounts to be received by the new champion and the former champion in such a fight shall be half each, of the sum of the purses of the champion and the challenger, originally contracted, in the fight in which the champion was preempted by injury or disability, or as required by the WKR-. If, for any reason, the new champion declines this requirement, the WKR may – declare the title reverting to the previous champion; Or you may declare that the title is vacant.

D. Any title lost under this policy shall immediately become vacant, and the appropriate WKR Manager – shall have full authority to fill the vacancy.

e. The decision to declare a position vacant or to forfeit it rests with the WKR – the Director having regulatory power over that title subject to obtaining approval, and prior forfeiture to the next higher WKR office.

And the. The failure of WKR to immediately enforce the above rules on title forfeiture does not constitute a temporary or permanent express or implied waiver if such rule is, or its applicability to the relevant title. All WKR titles will remain – always the exclusive property of WKR – and may be voided at WKR’s discretion.

A champion who chooses to retire their title must request it in writing, addressed to the WKR – the manager who has regulatory authority over that title. Failure to do so may result in the champion being found to have forfeited the title if it becomes inactive, or refusal of any mandatory offers holding it.

7. Officials. The WKR will designate all officials for the event, including the WKR representatives, referees, scoring judges, substitute kicking judges, scorekeeper, timekeeper, and any other personnel the WKR may determine are necessary for the smooth running of the event. WKR – will provide all materials to be used by the officials, except for numbered kick cards; A handy calculator, for use by the scorer: a stopwatch and bell for use by the timekeeper, and ballpoint pens for use by the judges and score-keeper.

8. Expenses of officials. The Promoter will prepay the following expenses for each Administrator: all transportation costs to the event; Hotel rooms for all nights at the event site, food expenses £25. For each day spent at the event site or travel (£15 per day of air travel). All travel arrangements for the officials will be made by the Promoter, unless otherwise directed by the WKR.

9. Medical personnel. The Promoter will arrange for and pay for the following medical personnel and equipment to be present at the Event: Medical Doctor with MD or DO degree and trained in emergency casualty care – Paramedic OR – Mobile Medical Facility standing by at the Event or within 5 minutes of arrival time 


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